Use anywhere pipes are exposed to sub-freezing temperatures.

These circuits run the length of the spool, similar to short runs of cable run in series to make one long cable. The cable is designed to be a certain wattage within this circuit length. All Constant Wattage cables have modules cut out of the bus wire jacket, exposing the bare wire at alternating points at predetermined lengths. Tempco’s Constant Wattage and Self-Limiting style cable is designed to be a certain wattage per foot within a certain circuit length.
Metal overbraid is required on all heat trace cabling to meet NEC code for grounding.

What are the requirements for metal overbraid and outer jackets?.Contact Tempco to assist you in making the correct choice.

The pipe size, exposure temperatures, ambient conditions, insulation type and thickness, maintenance temperatures, heat-up rate, flow rate, and type of material involved all play a part in determining which cable is best for your application. Selecting the proper cable depends on many different variables. Lower temperature maintenance applications, such as freeze protection, can use the self-limiting cable, although constant wattage cable can be used just as effectively as long as it is controlled properly. Higher temperature maintenance applications will use the constant wattage cables due to the higher maximum exposure temperatures that they allow. It is the user’s requirements that dictate which design to use. Note: Both cables are used by all types of industry. However, if a particular temperature is required, then a control device must be used. This characteristic allows this type of cable to be used without a control device. In other words, the hotter the conditions get, the lower the wattage output becomes. This cable will self-adjust its power output in relation to the surface temperature as well as ambient conditions. Therefore, constant wattage cable must be controlled by some means. This would not only ruin the cable, but could cause damage to whatever it is being used on. If the heat trace cable is not attached to some kind of control device, it has the potential to overheat itself and burn out. This means that in most situations the heating cable is continually pumping heat into the vessel or pipe being maintained or heated. It is always putting out the designed watts per foot, no matter what the surface or ambient temperature is. This style of heat trace cable is designed to put out a certain amount of wattage per linear foot at a particular voltage.